Machine Learner, Quant
When you are working with some branch of a Git repository, you may want to show the name of the...
This is the first time we have a bootcamp fully dedicated to the theory of reinforcement learning. The objective of...
With the actual pandemic of COVID-19, it is hardly for anyone to keep her/himself out of the loop. The machine...
I recently encountered the following error when trying to upgrade Homebrew packages on my macOS (High Sierra): foo@bar:~$ Error: Permission...
It was unexpectedly (this is maybe not the correct word to use, beyond my expectation might be more appropriate?) successful...
这是我第一篇用中文书写的会议记录。今年夏天的时候放假回上海待了三周,期间除了至少有一半的时间是花在了继续工作上(放假的时候似乎总是能有所突破,也许是因为心情放松的缘故?),剩下的时间说实在的是有一些百无聊赖的。看了一个多星期的TI之后发现今年的世界人工智能大会正好在上海办于是想办法搞了入场券。虽然因为要飞法国的关系只能去一天,不过还是多多少少开了些眼界。 这是我第一次参加非学术性质的会议,多少还是有些好奇。总体的感觉还是以人工智能落地场景的应用为重点,同时也结合了一些学术界的发言,包括Tom Mitchell,Jürgen Schmidhuber,Andrew Ng (吴恩达),以及Terrence Sejnowski。当然学术界的几位大佬们也是以相对宏观的角度来阐述观点而非技术性发言。具体能说的其实也不多,毕竟只待了半天的样子,希望明年有机会可以更完整地体验一次,也可以对业界有一点更深入的了解。
I attended the highly-reputed, and probably the most popular Machine Learning Summer School from Jan 5th until Jan 20th, for...
After being upgraded from Ubuntu 16.04 to Ubuntu 18.04, my os keeps encountering different issues in particular package dependency problems....
The 14th European Workshop on Reinforcement Learning (EWRL 2018) was held in Lille from October 1st to October 3rd. Organized...
Je vais parler de la Journée Exceptionnelle Lilloise 2018 qui avait lieu le vendredi 28 Septembre 2018 à Lilliad (5...
After installing the Visual Studio Code for Linux, I realized that my numix circle theme does not display correctly its...
I participated to the 2018 Google Code Jam Contest. I want to share some thoughts about my first Code Jam...
Using Jupyter Notebook with a C kernel? That’s possible with the Minimal C Kernel for Jupyter. To make use of...
A new session of Horizon Startup was held in Inria Lille center yesterday. Initiated in 2016, Horizon Startup is dedicated...
转载自草鱼原创 以前在校内上曾经流行一个matlab演奏《卡农》的帖子,写法蛮帅的,用的还是纯律而非平均律。回想起我初中时候在少科站无聊也用Turbo Pascal编过《亚洲雄风》来着,当时就觉得一串数字转化成音乐是件很神奇的事情。来聊聊音乐和数学哈~ 音乐之所以和谐美妙,很大程度上得益于两个数学上的约等式同时成立: 1) 2 ^ (7/12) = 1.4983 ≈ 3/2,误差 0.1% 2) 2 ^ (4/12) = 1.2599 ≈ 5/4,误差...
This is a test blog page where we can explore how to embed images in the blog. Image example 1...
An online learning workshop was held at Telecom Paritech on September 20, followed by the PhD defense of Claire Vernade....
Hi there, here is my very first event blog, just a few days before I start my PhD life (for...
You’ll find this post in your _posts directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your...
La reconnaissance de l’écriture manuscrite est un problème classique pour l’apprentissage automatique. Ceci est un rapport de ma toute première...