Machine Learner, Quant
I obtained my PhD degree at SequeL team (now SCOOL team) -- a research unit of Inria Lille-Nord Europe excelled in sequential decision making problems (bandits and reinforcement learning). I was fortunate to be advised by Emilie Kaufmann (CNRS) and Michal Valko (DeepMind), with whom I also wrote my MSc thesis. My current research focuses on sequential decision making with or without side information. In particular, I'm interested in online learning with partial feedback, a.k.a. multi-armed bandits and its applications (hyper-parameter optimization for machine learning, online algorithm selection, etc). I am also interested in theoretical reinforcement learning. From March 2020 to August 2020, I joined Noah's Ark lab for an internship on AutoML, working with Balázs Kégl (Noah's Ark). Before I was an ancien élève de l'Ecole normale supérieure de Cachan (Ker Lann)1, from which I received a BSc and a MSc of Computer Science. Prior to that I also obtained a BSc of Mathematics from Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI)2. I also visited University of Kyoto during my MSc for an internship under the supervision of Marco Cuturi (Google Brain). My detailed experiences can be found in my Curriculum Vitae.
1 - Now ENS Cachan has been separated and renamed to ENS Paris Saclay and ENS Rennes.
2 - Now Sorbonne Université.
- Curriculum Vitæ (full version, for a short version, please make an inquiry via email)
- 中文简历(详细履历请参考英文简历)
- Résumé GitHub
My main research interest lies in:
- Bandit Theory
- (Deep) Reinforcement Learning
- Optimization
- Automated Machine Learning
I'm also interested in:
- AI for Finance
- Blockchain and Web3
- AI for Social Good
- Online Learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Time Series
- Optimal Transport
- Recommender System (fun x -> "shang.xuedong14@" ^ x ^ ".com") ["gmail"]
- SequeL
Inria Lille – Nord Europe
40 Avenue du Halley
59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France- (+33) 6 51 88 xx xx
- I'm quite active on different social networks, however please refrain from following me on Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest, don't ask why ;)
- Google Scholar: Xuedong Shang
- Semantic Scholar: Xuedong Shang
- ResearchGate: Xuedong Shang
- Erdős Number: 5